Saturday, August 1, 2009

why can't my horoscope ever be spot on when it comes to money coming my way!?

Today's Yahoo! Horoscope was about work:

You're pretty good at self-discipline, and today that trait comes in handy as you face a daunting to-do list. Force yourself to tackle it in the right order, instead of doing the fun stuff first.

It's not that what I wanted to do first was "fun" but it was definitely easier & faster. Copy-Paste-save-print out tomorrow. But what I ended up doing first was what I needed to do first. The Bulletin's for Sunday's Church Service.

There's still a lot left to do and my "to do list" but that'll have to wait until tomorrow. we got a late start and still have to take my mom to work in the next 20-30 mins and I'm almost positive my dad is going to come back and finish the lawn. there were lots and lots of weeds that needed to be whacked lol

eta: we have no home phone. apparently Verizon was working on the phone lines yesterday and now we don't have service...but we still DSL service. I told suggested my dad call Verizon to have them fix it. he never responded. This is exactly why I give everyone my cell phone number and I'm glad someone near me has unprotected wireless. Barring our power & water being shut off, I'm okay. I have my cell phone & wireless internet until it's settled. And as of this morning before we left for the church, we were still without landline service. *shrugs*

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