Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Here it is later and I'm back!

This will mean nothing, unless you really want to know me better.

8 things about me
1) My favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate
2) My favorite type of music is country (though I do listen to ALL KINDS)
3) The cell phone network I use is T-Mobile (hello! it's pink!)
4) Depending on the sex of my child, I would either name him Gareth Daniel or name her Catherine Leigh (and should I have more children, I have a whole list of names lol)
5) When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher. In high school I thought about going into law enforcement and as I finished college I thought about being a lawyer. now I'd just be happy with a full time job!
6) In my nearly 27 years on Earth, I have had 3 boyfriends: M when I was 16, D & B in my early 20s (early 20s sounds weird considering I'm only 26.9 year old or something lol but I haven't had a boyfriend since I was 23)
7) My favorite pizza topping is pepperoni (though bbq chicken is growing on me)
8) My favorite Disney character(s) are Mickey & Minnie Mouse

what's that? more to come later

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