Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I should really stop neglecting this place, but honestly it isn't on my radar and I don't think anyone reads this. So really, what is the point?

I have several blog "series" I need to finish some kind of way but I don't feel like it. The time for them has come and gone. Though I think my friend one can easily be revived, but it's a matter of really wanting to.

And my life? It's a big bore fest. By choice I don't work enough (there isn't all that much work to do in the first place).

California has been shaken up so much the last few weeks it's crazy! I was almost "trapped" in my bathroom too! That would have been something.

Had a job interview that I don't feel went well. Arrived late due to a car accident (I wasn't involved as I was on the bus) and had no way of contacting the interviewer. Did some waiting around which kind of grated on my nerves but I sucked it up and dealt with it. This week I should hear something. Positive or negative I'd like to hear something.

Unexpected visit from Dick-D & his wife. That was unexpected and will never happen again. Dick-D also continues to txt me and it's annoying at bed. Recently it was like being in elementary school all over again with the txt messages we were exchanging.

d: do you like me?
me: you're ok.
d: but do you like me?
me: atm you're pissing me off.
d: ok. but do you like me?

I guess he took the leave me alone to heart. Haven't heard back from him. *knocks on wood*

Found out that Dick-C has remarried and leading a good Christian life.I'm finding it hard to believe that people change [bad to good, but good to bad can totally happen] (maybe it's because I see that I don't change?). And for all the jumping and shouting and trying to convince that they've changed comes off as very fake to me. Hypocrite just screams in my head (again because I see that I am also being a hypocrite as well).

Every so often I think about Dick-B because well, he did nothing wrong (other than had no motivation but for sex) and I ended things giving a pretty lame excuse. Then I tried to rectify the whole thing but he blew me off. I guess I deserved that, but still. NOT COOL!

more to come later...

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