Sunday, December 7, 2008

I've got a crush on you

Today I’ve been thinking a bit about internet crushes. For as long as I’ve been on the internet (13 or 14 years), I can only remember having TWO internet crushes. One of them I’ve gotten over in the last 2 or 3 months and the other just started in the last few weeks.

Crush #1: When I speak about him, I can’t call him by the “name” I usually do because that would totally give away who he is. I will say he’s not from these parts of the USA. We’ve had some really interesting conversations in a few years that we’ve been friends. I’ve thought, on more than one occasion, of shelling out the money to go see him. I know the crush wasn’t one sided…at least I think it wasn’t. I would have totally been in a relationship with him if the thousands of miles weren’t an issue. But now…going to see him is kind of out of the question. We don’t talk anymore and he’s in a relationship (which I’m just a tiny bit jealous about). But whateva.

Crush #2: I know him but I don’t know him so I don’t think I’m to full blow crush mode. Maybe something like infatuation? I don’t know. I haven’t yet thought of a name for him. I call him by his name when I talk to my BFF, but in here (if I ever mention him again) I don’t know what to call him. He’s a good looking guy. His friend speaks very highly of him and he’s another guy who is hard to talk about without giving anything away.

The internet use to be a hell of a lot bigger than it seems to be lately. Maybe I put too much of myself out there. Probably both. But this internet crush thing won’t be going away any time soon. They’ll come and go like the tides. It may not be the same guys; a woman might pop up in the mix (I really doubt that though).

I just crush too easily and read more into things than I should.

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