Thursday, December 4, 2008

My first time

This is my first time blogging, only not really. I have my journals where I post the mundane things of my life, but this is the first time I’m going to try to create something worth reading. Sometimes I get tired of the same ol’ “today I woke up” which is obvious since this entry is there, “I got dressed and went to school” but for me I’d throw in “I caught the bus to school” and sometimes “damn the bus was late again!” Like I said, that gets boring after a while and no one wants to read that multiple times a week.

So I have BIG things planned for this little place I’ve created! One thing I’ve been working on since December 2nd, but it’ll be for later posting. I’m going to try to keep the overly annoying stuff out of here, unless it really ties in with the entry.

Oh also have my not so pop life coming up. Stick around to find out what I mean by that. It’ll just be my take on the pop fandom that I “grew up” with.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. I'll try not to make it too bumpy

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