Tuesday, May 31, 2011

woe is me

the last few yrs I had the opportunity to go to FL for my b-day in September. Usually involves seeing my brother and his family, going to a concert with a friend then coming home.

I went for my 25th birthday...and then every yr after that I tried going again, something came up and I couldn't. I have the invite again and pretty much everything is in place except for the funds. I don't get paid a lot so saving for trips is kind of a mute point since any "left over" money goes for some household bill that magically finds its way to my bills to pay box.

It kind of irks me the number of trips my parents get to go on. Every 3 or 4 months my mom goes off to see her siblings, then she and my dad will take a trip someplace - usually for some organization my dad is associated with. They’re retired. Frequent trips is one of the perks of being retired.

This trip to FL is probably going to be about $600. That's airfare and my spending money. My brother said I can stay with him and the concert is pretty much taken care of. That's 3 months of pay for me - once I pay my personal bills. Now I'm trying to figure out how to tell my parents that for the next 3 months I won't be ale to contribute any money because I REALLY WANT TO GO ON THIS TRIP.

I've made a list of everything that is optional that I pay for and enjoy that I can reduce, cancel all together or put on hold until later and I'll gladly do that to take this trip.

I really hate this financial position I'm in.

Looking for 2nd part time job to help me go to FL for my birthday. It seems...wrong to say "sure I can work for you! btw, in September I'll be taking a 5 day trip for my birthday".

Now is when I wish I still worked at the library. That $200 every 2 weeks was AWESOME!

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