Thursday, October 28, 2010

prime example

A former friend, in the guise of one of her friends, asked why I was friends with so many "old" people. I said it was none of their business and promptly blocked them.

Now I have an answer to that. I try to be friendly and helpful with people in my age range and I'm either talked down to, ignored or they think I'm a know it all.

I tried to help someone I work with, she was carrying a lot of books to a cart and the cart was full so I offered to take the books from her so she could get an empty cart. She snapped that she was doing fine and I should "stick to" my job. I went to another part of the library to work.

Really, they all aren't bad. A, K and D are cool with me. A and I actually have mutual friends so its like wow! Small world!

Oh...turns out I get paid on the 5th and not tomorrow. that’s ok. I have a check coming from my secretary job.

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