Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the art of driving

okay, I admit it, I haven't been looking very hard, but a couple days ago, could have been Sunday, I was able to jot down the name of a driving school that's advertised on the side of the student driving cars.

today it dawns on me, "oh yeah! i should probably look up their rates" so I do and they seem reasonable enough. I just need the behind the wheel practice and use of the car to actually do the behind the wheel test at the DMV.

its $75 for 2 hours and $220 for 6 hours. I fairly comfortable with the actual driving and making left or right turns. What I haven’t tried is to parallel park or make a successful U-turn. I tried the u-turn in a residential area but I didn’t quite make it.

My permit expires on the 30th and to keep from having to pay that darn fee and take the written again, I kind of need to do that now. But sadly, it’s looking like come May 2nd or there after I’m going to have to do the written test over, but I’ll be able to do behind the wheel training at this driving school before my DMV behind the wheel test (and have use of the car too - at least until my mom gets a better car that I can use).

Today is also my mom's 65th birthday. she won't be mad me for telling strangers her age lol

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