I just got another duplicate book from the school! Who ever is in charge of keeping track of which students received which books needs to be fired or retrained or something! I don’t know of any other word, besides ridiculous, to describe these book shipping problems I’m having. It makes me wonder if I’m the only one...
Since starting the program in January 2010, I’ve gotten 7 duplicate books. That may not seem like a lot as many of the books are used for more than 1 class, but coupled with the fact that on at least 4 occasions I’ve gotten a book for a class well after it’s started, this isn’t good.
Last week I called my student advisor to ask what to do (I actually left a message and she hasn’t returned my call!) and today I got not only a duplicate book (#7) but a prepaid postage sticker to return duplicate book #6 back. I’ll be returning all duplicate books I have (up to 5 lbs and any that haven’t sold online) in the same box. whatever I can’t fit in the box, I’m going to email my advisor, again, and request another postage paid sticker to return them. I’m running out of space on my bookshelf for the books I need so duplicates have to go!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
are you serious!?
I used to like and follow someone "famous" on twitter, Damien Fahey (he got his start on MTV), but then today (Tuesday) he made this stupid jerk of a comment and joking or not, comments like these aren't cool!

so far I don't know if anyone has commented on it, but I made it be known that it wasn't cool. I wanted to say so much more (like "do douchbags like you deserve to be wished a happy birthday?") but the last thing I want is a "twitter war" with some has been MTV host
edited to add: Since I posted a screen cap of his tweet, a friend of mine told me it's been removed from his page. I'd like to think I was the catalyst that caused him to remove it. I posted it like 3 places so there's no telling if I was the only one to "make a stink" about it.

so far I don't know if anyone has commented on it, but I made it be known that it wasn't cool. I wanted to say so much more (like "do douchbags like you deserve to be wished a happy birthday?") but the last thing I want is a "twitter war" with some has been MTV host
edited to add: Since I posted a screen cap of his tweet, a friend of mine told me it's been removed from his page. I'd like to think I was the catalyst that caused him to remove it. I posted it like 3 places so there's no telling if I was the only one to "make a stink" about it.
Monday, August 1, 2011
wow this summer!
I tell you what! this summer got off to a kind of slow start but its looking to end on a high note!
Baseball season was awesome. I know it's not over yet, but for me its been awesome! I've gone to the most games this year than I EVER have. An exhibition game against the Dodgers in a COMPANY SUITE! Then a game every month this season, which has been 4 games so far. One more game is set for August 16th and then Lora and I have vouchers for another game (in awesome seats - don't remember off hand where) but we have yet to pick a date.
Saturday (7/30) Lora and I went to Escondido and San Diego. In Escondido we went to a timeshare presentation. For the most part it was okay. Longer than the 90 minutes we were initially told. Our presentation started at 12:40 pm and we didn’t finish until 4 pm! That was presentation, tour and then 2 sales pitches! Out of it we got the additional Angels tickets I mentioned above AND 2 TICKETS TO HONOLULU, HAWAII!!!!! to be used in the next 13 months! OH! MY! GOD!! SUMMER OF AWESOMENESS! We just have to pay the taxes on the plane tickets and have whatever spending money we’ll need. The rest is taken care of! LOVE IT! We haven’t picked dates for the trip yet, but I’m sure we’ll do that in the next month or so. While we weren’t able to afford the time share, I understand the concept so much more and about how much this particular one costs that after my birthday cruise next year, I’m going to save up so that by the time I’m 35 I can get one.
right, after the timeshare thing we went to the zoo. It was around 5 pm when we got there and stayed to nearly closing (9 pm I believe). Not many animals were out, but we saw a bunch of monkeys, the elephants, some big cats, omg heard a lion roar! it was so awesome! I thought it was a recording until I actually saw the lion was doing it! I wish I would have recorded it (and I totally need a better camera!) I didn’t take many pictures while at the zoo. Partly because the camera I was using isn’t all that great and partly because I was more interested in looking at the animals than taking pictures of them. But I managed to get 42 okay I guess pictures.
If the slideshow doesn’t work, you can see the pictures here http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/0903/lizzieluvsu/Family%20and%20Friends/07-30-11%20San%20Diego%20Zoo/
In our travels to/from Escondido and San Diego, Lora and I came up with more day trips we can do. First we thought of Carlsbad Caverns but then I discovered they’re in New Mexico and NOT Carlsbad, CA (guess I didn’t pay too good attention during my travel & tourism classes lmao). So for now, that’s on the back burner. August 11 we’re going to the La Brea Tar Pits, there’s a day trip to Port Hueneme, a possible visit to/near by Camp Pendleton, there’s an air show for the end of August/beginning of September that I need to look into.
I swear there was more, but I got sidetracked looking up stuff on various Marine Corps websites so I’ll end this now.
Baseball season was awesome. I know it's not over yet, but for me its been awesome! I've gone to the most games this year than I EVER have. An exhibition game against the Dodgers in a COMPANY SUITE! Then a game every month this season, which has been 4 games so far. One more game is set for August 16th and then Lora and I have vouchers for another game (in awesome seats - don't remember off hand where) but we have yet to pick a date.
Saturday (7/30) Lora and I went to Escondido and San Diego. In Escondido we went to a timeshare presentation. For the most part it was okay. Longer than the 90 minutes we were initially told. Our presentation started at 12:40 pm and we didn’t finish until 4 pm! That was presentation, tour and then 2 sales pitches! Out of it we got the additional Angels tickets I mentioned above AND 2 TICKETS TO HONOLULU, HAWAII!!!!! to be used in the next 13 months! OH! MY! GOD!! SUMMER OF AWESOMENESS! We just have to pay the taxes on the plane tickets and have whatever spending money we’ll need. The rest is taken care of! LOVE IT! We haven’t picked dates for the trip yet, but I’m sure we’ll do that in the next month or so. While we weren’t able to afford the time share, I understand the concept so much more and about how much this particular one costs that after my birthday cruise next year, I’m going to save up so that by the time I’m 35 I can get one.
right, after the timeshare thing we went to the zoo. It was around 5 pm when we got there and stayed to nearly closing (9 pm I believe). Not many animals were out, but we saw a bunch of monkeys, the elephants, some big cats, omg heard a lion roar! it was so awesome! I thought it was a recording until I actually saw the lion was doing it! I wish I would have recorded it (and I totally need a better camera!) I didn’t take many pictures while at the zoo. Partly because the camera I was using isn’t all that great and partly because I was more interested in looking at the animals than taking pictures of them. But I managed to get 42 okay I guess pictures.
If the slideshow doesn’t work, you can see the pictures here http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/0903/lizzieluvsu/Family%20and%20Friends/07-30-11%20San%20Diego%20Zoo/
In our travels to/from Escondido and San Diego, Lora and I came up with more day trips we can do. First we thought of Carlsbad Caverns but then I discovered they’re in New Mexico and NOT Carlsbad, CA (guess I didn’t pay too good attention during my travel & tourism classes lmao). So for now, that’s on the back burner. August 11 we’re going to the La Brea Tar Pits, there’s a day trip to Port Hueneme, a possible visit to/near by Camp Pendleton, there’s an air show for the end of August/beginning of September that I need to look into.
I swear there was more, but I got sidetracked looking up stuff on various Marine Corps websites so I’ll end this now.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
*iz floored*
So Monday I finished that lame (10 day) Critical Thinking class and was whatever about it. I’d be happy with a C. Well as it stands, I have an 81.70% - that’s a B! This is by no means bragging. This is me geninuely shocked that I pulled such a good grade from not trying and being pissed that no one - student advisor or teacher - would return my calls or emails until 3 days before the class was over!
There were 2 written assignments due - a 2 page paper and then a 4 page paper expanded from the 2 page paper. I did those in 1 ½ days! I got 100% on the 2 page paper and 98% on the 4 page paper. Then there were 4 discussion question/homework questions. I did 3 of the 4 but (so far) only graded on 2 and one of those 2 I didn’t do!
This online school experience started out so great, but gradually, it’s been pissing me off, royally. Good luck trying to get a prompt reply from my student advisor when it’s important. he only time she’s prompt about getting in touch with me is if I haven’t logged into Blackboard in a few days.
Anyways, right now I’m at day 3 of Psychology class and I don’t have a book. I was supposed to hear back from the SA 2 days ago about it. Fortunately there’s photocopied pages as pdfs for the reading. It feels like I’m missing stuff tho, but I have been able to answer the discussion questions based on the reading we’ve been provided, so that’s good i guess. I really don’t want to play phone tag about this book. My SA is just pissing me off to no end. I wonder if they even pay attention to the course evaluation they have us do at the end of class...
There were 2 written assignments due - a 2 page paper and then a 4 page paper expanded from the 2 page paper. I did those in 1 ½ days! I got 100% on the 2 page paper and 98% on the 4 page paper. Then there were 4 discussion question/homework questions. I did 3 of the 4 but (so far) only graded on 2 and one of those 2 I didn’t do!
This online school experience started out so great, but gradually, it’s been pissing me off, royally. Good luck trying to get a prompt reply from my student advisor when it’s important. he only time she’s prompt about getting in touch with me is if I haven’t logged into Blackboard in a few days.
Anyways, right now I’m at day 3 of Psychology class and I don’t have a book. I was supposed to hear back from the SA 2 days ago about it. Fortunately there’s photocopied pages as pdfs for the reading. It feels like I’m missing stuff tho, but I have been able to answer the discussion questions based on the reading we’ve been provided, so that’s good i guess. I really don’t want to play phone tag about this book. My SA is just pissing me off to no end. I wonder if they even pay attention to the course evaluation they have us do at the end of class...
the wheels on the bus go round and round
So I took the bus to the library and when I was on the 2nd bus going there, this guy taps me on my shoulder and hands me a post it note

click to see full size
OMG! I start "typing" away on my cell and he taps me on my shoulder again (I think) and was like "Is that a yes?" I shook my head no and was like "I have a boyfriend" and he was all "sorry." and then I turned up my music and texted my friends what happened.
why did he put his name in quotes? as my friend Ana asked on FB Um....is "james" his bus only name?
I said no for 2 reasons: He looked AT LEAST 20 years OLDER than me (between 45-50 yrs old!) and he wasn't attractive. From that point on, I was creeped out. he was sitting behind me to my right so for a good 10 minutes (until he got off the bus) I felt like I was being watched, or my texts were being read.
and reading it, it's like we had a conversation and as he was getting off the bus, he gave it to me...but no. I had been on the bus maybe 5 minutes before he gave me that note.
Anyways...went to the library to return a book and check out another one. It's a bit of a "teen" book, but omg I LOVE The Heist Society series books! The first one is called "Heist Society" and this one is called "Uncommon Criminals". I have the audiobook of the first if anyone is interested in giving it a listen. There are many things about this series that has me reading for hours on end - The "lead" male character, Hale, totally sounds cute (I mentioned to a friend I wish he was my bf lol) (and it doesn't hurt that he's rich, but I'm so not a literary gold digger!) and buzz around the internet is that Heist Society might become a movie. OMG YAY! when I read that, my mind got to think about who I'd cast. I haven't come up with my cast yet, but let me tell you, Hale HAS GOT TO BE A DREAM!
About an hour ago, I guess, I finished “The Rockey Horror Picture Show”. For those who like it, more power to you. It just wasn’t my movie. I’ve been told by several people that it is lame when you watch by yourself and that it’s much more fun if you watch with a group and it’s interactive. Okay, if you say so. It just wasn’t for me. The songs were catchy enough but I spent far too much time going “wtf is this?!” and “omg this is so lame”. I didn’t think there was going to be as much singing as there was either. Just my thoughts on it all.

click to see full size
OMG! I start "typing" away on my cell and he taps me on my shoulder again (I think) and was like "Is that a yes?" I shook my head no and was like "I have a boyfriend" and he was all "sorry." and then I turned up my music and texted my friends what happened.
why did he put his name in quotes? as my friend Ana asked on FB Um....is "james" his bus only name?
I said no for 2 reasons: He looked AT LEAST 20 years OLDER than me (between 45-50 yrs old!) and he wasn't attractive. From that point on, I was creeped out. he was sitting behind me to my right so for a good 10 minutes (until he got off the bus) I felt like I was being watched, or my texts were being read.
and reading it, it's like we had a conversation and as he was getting off the bus, he gave it to me...but no. I had been on the bus maybe 5 minutes before he gave me that note.
Anyways...went to the library to return a book and check out another one. It's a bit of a "teen" book, but omg I LOVE The Heist Society series books! The first one is called "Heist Society" and this one is called "Uncommon Criminals". I have the audiobook of the first if anyone is interested in giving it a listen. There are many things about this series that has me reading for hours on end - The "lead" male character, Hale, totally sounds cute (I mentioned to a friend I wish he was my bf lol) (and it doesn't hurt that he's rich, but I'm so not a literary gold digger!) and buzz around the internet is that Heist Society might become a movie. OMG YAY! when I read that, my mind got to think about who I'd cast. I haven't come up with my cast yet, but let me tell you, Hale HAS GOT TO BE A DREAM!
About an hour ago, I guess, I finished “The Rockey Horror Picture Show”. For those who like it, more power to you. It just wasn’t my movie. I’ve been told by several people that it is lame when you watch by yourself and that it’s much more fun if you watch with a group and it’s interactive. Okay, if you say so. It just wasn’t for me. The songs were catchy enough but I spent far too much time going “wtf is this?!” and “omg this is so lame”. I didn’t think there was going to be as much singing as there was either. Just my thoughts on it all.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
freak of the day
For a minute, my netbook became a paperweight. Nothing I plugged into any of the 3 USB ports would read. It acknowledged my external hard drive but no drives were popping up. FREAK OUT! Unplugged everything, shutdown, wait a minute, reboot, plug back it and we're back in business!
I don't know why the USB ports randomly decided not to work. I need to invest in an everyday use netbook and leave this one for the school work (like I'm sure the school who sent me to me intended, but I paid for it, so I can use it however I want, right?!).
I’ll just add this to the growing list of problems I’m encountering now (at the 18 month mark of having it). Maybe a month ago, or so, it started randomly shutting down. Not the good shutdown way either. like mid-type in and email and it would turn off! Thought I’d press the power button on accident, but when it did it while I was streaming something online, I knew that wasn’t the case. I think it was overheating (note to self: see about getting a fan to place under this when I use it for a long time). Another thing I noticed was a blinking red/orange light. I’d recognized this before, when I was working off the battery. It meant my battery was low and to plug it in. But wait, it IS plugged in! What the heck is going on?! I checked the battery and it was at 88%. Umm why? I’m plugged in. it should be at 100%. I mention it to my dad and he suggested I work on the battery until it drains completely, then plug it in to let it fully charge. I did that and no further problems with the battery...however, the red/orange light flashes and I notice that the netbook was pretty hot. So I saved everything and shut it down for a few hours to cool off. Again, need that fan.
Hope everyone has a good Sunday!
I don't know why the USB ports randomly decided not to work. I need to invest in an everyday use netbook and leave this one for the school work (like I'm sure the school who sent me to me intended, but I paid for it, so I can use it however I want, right?!).
I’ll just add this to the growing list of problems I’m encountering now (at the 18 month mark of having it). Maybe a month ago, or so, it started randomly shutting down. Not the good shutdown way either. like mid-type in and email and it would turn off! Thought I’d press the power button on accident, but when it did it while I was streaming something online, I knew that wasn’t the case. I think it was overheating (note to self: see about getting a fan to place under this when I use it for a long time). Another thing I noticed was a blinking red/orange light. I’d recognized this before, when I was working off the battery. It meant my battery was low and to plug it in. But wait, it IS plugged in! What the heck is going on?! I checked the battery and it was at 88%. Umm why? I’m plugged in. it should be at 100%. I mention it to my dad and he suggested I work on the battery until it drains completely, then plug it in to let it fully charge. I did that and no further problems with the battery...however, the red/orange light flashes and I notice that the netbook was pretty hot. So I saved everything and shut it down for a few hours to cool off. Again, need that fan.
Hope everyone has a good Sunday!
Friday, July 1, 2011
this heat sucks hairy donkey balls!
was out driving earlier today with my mom. we had some errands to run (last bit of food for BBQ tomorrow) and she was called in to work to fill in for someone (this lady ALWAYS seems to get sick when there's going to be a 3 day holiday so she ends up getting 4 days), anyways, my mom and I did what we had to do and she dropped me off at home before leaving for work. about an hour after being home, I was so congested and we didn't have anything for it. I was miserable. It had to be the heat as it was 84 degrees according to the weather channel app on my phone. I opened the window/curtains in my room and watch some shows on hulu. I got through a decent number before I fell asleep. I woke up twice when I noticed I wasn't hearing anymore shows playing (my connection froze I think).
about an hour ago I finally woke up. saw some email reminders for graphic challenges and now I'm working on them. I'm going to need to stop to start the marinade on the ribs. I don't feel like doing it, but my mom called and asked me to.
We also need a new vacuum. My dad is checking the Salvation Army, but I don't know if I trust them. They're cool for movies, clothes and furniture, but other things I rather buy at the store (walmart, target, sears) where there's the paperwork and a warranty. Unfortunately, we don't have $100+ laying around for a brand spanking new vacuum.
Hope my American friends have a happy and safe Independence Day weekend!
about an hour ago I finally woke up. saw some email reminders for graphic challenges and now I'm working on them. I'm going to need to stop to start the marinade on the ribs. I don't feel like doing it, but my mom called and asked me to.
We also need a new vacuum. My dad is checking the Salvation Army, but I don't know if I trust them. They're cool for movies, clothes and furniture, but other things I rather buy at the store (walmart, target, sears) where there's the paperwork and a warranty. Unfortunately, we don't have $100+ laying around for a brand spanking new vacuum.
Hope my American friends have a happy and safe Independence Day weekend!
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