Sunday, December 26, 2010

starting 2011 with a BANG

Okay, so I won’t exactly be starting 2011 with a bang, but my goal this week to really tackle my junk shelves and get rid of stuff haven’t used, or no longer have a use for. I have papers from elementary school! I have a folder with my elementary school’s original mascot (we changed from Gladiators to Dolphins when I was in the 4th or 5th grade) that I’m going to keep, as well as a few projects (I did a plaster or clay model of the state of California and painted it and stuff like that).

Even typing this up, I’m having a little panic attack about throwing some of my HIGH SCHOOL stuff away. it’s mostly programs or whatever from football games. I’ve probably mentioned this tons of times before, but I honestly can’t remember stuff from growing up and the stuff I do remember, I don’t know if it’s an actual memory of mine, or I’m remember someone else retelling it so it’s become a I don’t want to throw this high school stuff away because I don’t want to completely be without memories from when I was growing up.

Yesterday while at a family friend’s for dinner and whatnot, I got to talking with a lady who grew up around the corner from my sister and brother when they were growing up. She told me a lot of what other have told me (as far as not settling for anything in life - relationships, in general) and she said was going to check with my sister to see if I had my driver’s license...and to just see how far I’d gotten in accomplishing my goals. She also said she wanted to see my next Christmas and just shock her with how much my life has changed in a year. I told her I’d like to shock a lot of people that way. LOL My life is like the saying ‘If it ain’t broke, why fix it?’ I know my life is “broke” but I’m in a realistic denial about it. I know it needs to change, I’ll be the first to say it needs to change, but I don’t want to put the effort to actually change it. Cleaning today is sort of the first step in making that change.

Other things I’d like to “change” in 2011 (aka New Year’s Resolutions):
Get my driver’s license (have to do so by April 30th, 2011 or I have to start the permit process over again)
Put $200/month in savings (this actually hinges on if I continue to work for the city)
Pay off my credit card (after January’s payment, I’ll owe $139.89 and if I continue paying what I’m paying, I’ll have it paid off in 3 months!)
Loose 100 lbs (I’m giving myself a year for this 01-01-11 to 01-01-12)
Become more active - socially, mentally and physically (exercise)

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