Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How’s this for timing?!

I need to make an appointment to go to the dentist so I log into one of my e-mail accounts to get my dentist’s number and there’s an e-mail from the dentist office. They were reminding me it’s time for a cleaning and left the number to make an appointment. However what isn’t in the e-mail is the address so I look them up to get the address and I’m looking around the site, clicking on different links and click on employment. I usually do that with different websites I go to so I can see what jobs they’re hiring for. Well my dental office is hiring for receptionist. I had applied to this position once before but for some reason I didn’t hear back from them. I pulled up my resume to make sure everything is in place and sent it off.

On the Notary Public front...I found a date that’s the earliest can test. August 18th is a seminar and testing from 830 am to 530 pm with the usual breaks for a snack and lunch. I checked the area of where it’s going to be held, and there’s quite a few places I can choose from and they aren’t overly expensive either.

My high school reunion is quickly approaching on July 31st and found the “dress code” for the event. cocktail attire. I don’t know if what I recently purchased is cocktail attire, but I can’t buy anymore clothes.

My 28th birthday is in 1 month 3 weeks and 5 days. Of course there’s a ton that I want to do. I mean, I change my mind like every freaking week! First I want to have a bowling party, then I want to go to Disneyland, then I want to go to a concert on Florida to see my friend Marissa, my brother, sister in law and the girls, I want to go to San Francisco...those are what I can remember. Oh and I want to go to to a baseball game (2 if I can swing it financially)! Now my mom has said she’d pay for half of my ticket to Florida (if I or my brother pay the other half), but since I can’t find any concerts I want to go to around my birthday, I’m thinking I rather go to San Francisco or to some (more) baseball games.

Hollywood Video by me is having a closing/going out of business sale. 30-80% of a lot of the DVDs and games...and they’re also selling the fixtures. I went in hoping they’d have The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as well as Prince Caspian, but no such luck. I bet they went months/weeks ago! But I managed to get Watchmen for $4.99 (originally $14.99) and The International for $4.99 (also originally $14.99). There were TONS of horror movies. I didn’t take the time to look through them, but I know my mom would spend a lot of time looking through them. Since they have no final closing date, I might go back and take a look at the tv shows they still have. I saw some 24 DVDs and I need to get seasons 1-6 and season 8. On a whole, there wasn’t much to choose from and probably won’t be the next time I decide to go...if they’re still open.

Today I attempted to give Miss Marple a bath. She has fleas and hasn’t had them since she was a kitten and she’s about 4 years old now. I went to the store to see if they have Frontline Plus, but I think I can only get that from my vet. So I did the next best thing - a bath. I was only concerned with her neck and stomach as that’s where she has them. I started with her neck and that was ok. then I put her on her back and did her stomach. again, that was ok. Now the hard part...rinsing her off! I wasn’t able to get a really good lather and I didn’t want to get all scratched up so I put her in the tub and turned on the water. Mean thing to do, but she lathered up and rinsed herself off and then I towel dried her and let her go to groom herself. After about 10 mins or so, I combed/brushed her out. I hope what I was able to shampoo helps with the fleas some. Oh and I got only 1 tiny cut/scratch as she was trying to get out of the tub. Not bad at all.

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