Sunday, July 11, 2010

who to call friend

Its been sorted out, but I don’t know who to call friend anymore. I’m beginning to get what people on the verge feel like, because I feel like that right now.

The people I want to talk to are probably sleep or off doing their own thing and even if they weren’t, what guarantee is there that they’d be there for me?

This is what happens when I let someone get close? I don’t want that then.

There’s now a dialogue going on, but honestly, I just want it to be done with. I don’t think there’s being friends with this person again. They scared me. I never thought it was this person doing all that was done. I didn’t know they had that much of a problem because they never flat out told me. I’m sorry, I can’t read cryptic stuff. I can’t read between the lines to figure out that you’re talking about me

Its almost 4 am and I’m still awake. I should have been asleep 4 hours ago, but this is going on and I’m on the verge because I don’t know who my friends are anymore.

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