Saturday, August 15, 2009

Can it be Monday?!

so I posted yesterday that I fell and really hurt my knee, well today one of the animals I've been watching (there are 2 cats, a rabbit and a bird) went crazy. It was the bird. I don't know what it was doing but somehow the cage it was on crashed from the perch it was on and water and bird food spilled to the floor. I went to investigate and the bird flew/bounced my way scaring the crap out of me and I stumbled back...hurting my knee even more!

I was in so much pain that I nearly fell twice trying to get to the sofa (which was even more of a no no) to call my dad to come help me. I got the cats closed in the bedroom and waited for my dad to come get the bird.

My dad told me 30 mins but it took him 45 mins to get to me. In that time the bird flew at me (i swear it wanted me to break my knee/leg) 2 or 3 times! When my dad came, the bird flew in my face 2 more times! I screamed like a little girl. heh my dad was like "haven't you held the bird before?" uhh NO! it's never been out of the cage while I was here...I've NEVER seen it out of the cage!

so he gets it back in the cage, I give it fresh food & water and then clean up the spilled stuff. my dad gave me some muscle relaxant cream and a wrap for my knee. the relaxant kind of helped, but I still get a sharp pain whenever I step the wrong way. Thing is, I don't ever know which way is going to be the wrong way until it happens and I have the crippling pain.

So can it PLEASE be Monday? I want to go home and snuggle with my cat? at least there's no flying birds trying to attack me!

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