Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is me being busy

I’ve finally gotten a schedule that I hope won’t be in a constant state of flux.

Monday –Friday is school for me
Monday & Tuesday are tutor days (possibly other days during the week, but without pay, I’m sticking to those 2 days)
Wednesday – Sunday are saved for church events.

Come summer, Mondays & Tuesdays will probably be me days. That’s pretty much everyday, but I’d like to have days where I can go back to riding the bus & train for fun…just to get out of the apartment or something.

Also looks like I didn’t get the Everest College job. I interviewed on the 13th and was told to take a test and call on the 14th. I did that and didn’t get a return call. My friend who set me up on the interview said to call back on 18th so I did. Again, no return call. After that I decided that I wasn’t going to worry about it. Yeah it kind of irks me that the Director I interviewed with made it seem like I’d have some kind of job there and hasn’t returned either of my calls. Right now I’m like whatever and will concentrate on school.

• Introduction to Computers ended today. I got a 94.5% in the class. That’s an A baby!
• Tuesday my next class starts. It’s called Word I. It ends on February 1st. I’m sure it’s another class I’ll pass with an A.
• February 2nd I start Word II and that goes until February 8th.
• February 9th is when I get into a territory that I’m probably not that familiar with – Word Processing for the Law Office. That class is also a week long.
• In March, I have 2 classes that are each 10 days long
• In April I have a class that’s 15 days – pretty much the whole month.
• Then there’s another 5 day class followed by 6 classes that are 10 days each.
• Then 2 classes that are 5 days, a class that’s 10 days, a class that’s 15 days, a class that’s 10 days and a class that’s 5 days.

If my counting is correct, by the end of September, I will have finished ALL my fundamental level courses and will get to move to the advanced level courses at the beginning of October!

During all this school time, I will hopefully get a laptop between February 15th and February 26th. Also, during the summer, I will be in AZ for a few days (possibly a week) for a conference (maybe) and probably some other trips. Hopefully I’ll be able to have internet access and the time to devote at least an hour a day to doing school work so I don’t fall behind.

Just thinking about all this school stuff has me excited yet I feel like going “OMG! What have I gotten myself into?!”


no one said...


Actually, I hope you -dont- remember me...

Lizet said...

I wish I didn't remember you. seems you didn't forget about me...after all, you did leave me this lovely comment.