Tuesday, September 22, 2009

so worth missing tv for

the guy I was supposed to meet on Friday sent me a message saying he forgot he had prior plans for Friday and if we could meet during the week. I said I'd have to check my schedule (aka see when none of my tv shows are on) and get back to him...and I gave him my cell saying that if he was ever at the Landing (a strip mall of sorts) to let me know

well at 9 tonight I got a txt from him asking if I wanted to meet up. I was honestly torn. the 2nd hr of Dancing with the Stars was just starting and other tv shows would be premiering tonight. But I gave that up (I missed the last 15 mins of DwtS) to meet him.

Totally worth it! We talked about traveling, our old high schools (cross town rivals of sorts) and walked around until closing. He made me laugh, blush (not an easy thing to do). He asked if he could hold my hand (the scene where Ace says "like a glove" (1:26) popped into my head"). We were standing face to face talking and he kept staring at my lips, making me a bit self conscious, and asked if he could kiss me. I said no and we kept talking, and out of the blue he pulls me to him and kisses me. OMG! and I mean that in a good way! He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me...it wasn't too hard and it wasn't too soft

I totally want to see him again and there aren't many guys I say that about.

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